Month: August 2018

Daily Devotion for August 16, 2018

If you walked into a room full of smoke, eventually the smoke will get on your clothes & into you. Why? Because you take in (inhale) whatever is in the atmosphere. Evaluate the people you allow into your atmosphere (or the atmosphere of the people you deal (associate) with. They may influence you more than you realize! #BE AWARE! Spirits are REAL! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for August 15, 2018

If Jesus can remove the penalty of your sins (death), He can remove the guilt of your sins. satan wants you to stay stuck in your past! he will bring guilt trips to “try to” make you feel unforgiven or discourage you that you’re not “good enough” for God’s forgiveness or love. LISTEN! None of us are “good enough” for God’s forgiveness or love! They are not based upon our own merit but His! God’s Grace is a gift that you can’t work for. It is a GIFT that was purchased for you by the blood of Jesus Christ on Calvary! Thank God for the FINISHED work of Jesus & RECIEVE IT! Growing in Christ is growing from who you WERE into WHO He wants you to be. Remember, God forgives you, we forgive you, NOW forgive YOURSELF! In Jesus’ Name! Amen! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for August 14, 2018

Don’t allow the bad behavior of your biological father to define your outlook of your Heavenly Father! Your biological father may had brought hurt to you, but your Heavenly Father wants to bring healing to you! Regardless if father’s love wasn’t present, your Heavenly Father’s love is ALWAYS available to you! #Fathers! Let’s be a better representative of a man (for your children’s sake)! They need you more than the 1st & 15th of the month! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for August 13, 2018

In choosing a mate, God will reveal what’s inside the book of a person beyond their cover. God’s Dewy Decimal System (His Word) will guide you in what areas in the library to avoid so you won’t check out the wrong book (person). Be quiet & listen to the instructions of the Righteous Librarian… God Almighty! He knows what’s best & who’s best for you!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for August 12, 2018

Inner joy, inner peace & inner strength shall come when you repent & allow God to come in your heart! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for August 11, 2018

When you need some money, although banks may be closed, A.T.M.s are accessible 24/7 for you. When you’re discouraged or need a Word from God, churches or some people may not be available, you STILL have access to God.. THROUGH PRAYER!! #NO OVERDRAFT FEES, WITHDRAW LIMITS OR BANKING HOURS! GOD IS JUST A PRAYER AWAY! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for August 10, 2018

The problems that come your way were NOT sent to destroy you. They will develop your strength & wisdom so you can destroy it!!! #YOU ARE COMING OUT, IN JESUS’ NAME!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater