Have you ever tasted something for the 1st time & it was HORRIBLE? It made you NEVER, NEVER want to eat that junk again! Sometime later, someone else prepared that same dish you hated, you tried it & you absolutely LOVED IT! The difference from the 1st experience may had been who & how they prepared it! In life, you may have had a bad experience in the subject of LOVE! Not all men or women are like the bad experience(s) of the past. DON’T GIVE UP ON LOVE! Allow God to remove the bad taste from your memories & let Him send the one He has prepared for you. The one God has for you is SEASONED (COMPATIBLE) with your relationship with God & will nourish your life. Give LOVE another try, but this time…CHANGE THE COOK! You’ll be well pleased & fulfilled when God is your Cook! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for August 23, 2018
Don’t blame yourself or feel guilty over the behavior of your grown children. The devil or even your own children will try to make you feel guilty, when in fact… THEY ARE THE REAL PROBLEM! Ask God to give you the strength to give the TOUGH LOVE needed, so you won’t get used or burn yourself out! Pat yourself on the back for the job you did regardless if they listened or not. Pray for them & leave them in God’s hands. Remember! You can’t help everybody (that includes you own kids)! Begin to live your OWN life NOW! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for August 22, 2018
I know you’re use to worrying about your problems, try to figure them out, or stress about them BUT may God interrupt your regular scheduled program, to give you some LATE BREAKING NEWS…. HE IS STILL ABLE!! No situation is too hard or too late for God to come in & change things! Remember His past success in your life & know that He can take care of you (for the rest of your life)! Change your channel (what you’re focused on ) from your problems to the Problem Solver! Turn your commercial break into a PRAISE BREAK & watch God turn things around! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for August 21, 2018
When fire contacts a pot of water, the boiling water will produce steam that will help those within the atmosphere to breathe better. But when fire contacts trash, it will produce a gas (Carbon Dioxide) that is TOXIC & EXTREMELY FATAL for those within the atmosphere. When the fires (problems) of life comes your way, what is the quality of air that your friends produce? THERAPEUTIC or FATAL? Don’t wait until the fire to find out who (or how) your friends REALLY are. Ask God to reveal during the FIRE DRILL! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for August 20, 2018
As this being the 1st day of school (for some students), I pray that God covers you. Take seriously & receive the investment called EDUCATION that’s available for you! This opportunity helps you to prepare for the future & the NOW! You are working (marketing) on the brand called YOU! You will increase your value & worth & places yourself in HIGH DEMAND if you can SEIZE THIS MOMENT! UNDERSTAND! THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, not anyone else’s! Don’t expect other people to invest, support or believe in you, if you’re not investing or supporting yourself 1st. Don’t be afraid of the challenge! It’s an opportunity to prove something to yourself. Ask God for the discerning spirit to recognize what’s not of Him, the wisdom to retain what you’re taught, the blinders to overlook any distractions that may try to stop you & the patience (endurance) to complete all task you start & NEVER GIVE UP! Your moment starts NOW! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for August 18
When you’re dealing with life’s transitions, you can give your problems a GREAT transaction…From your hands to God’s hands! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater
Daily Devotion for August 17, 2018
If a person tried to break into your property to harm you (or your family), would you defend yourself (or your family’s honor) at ALL COST? Well, if you would fight for you or your family’s honor in the NATURAL, what about the in SPIRIT? The devil has been beating up on folks, taking their joy, taking their belongings & they’ll just say, “Well, that’s just a part of life!” NO IT’S NOT! It’s time to know your rights, arm yourself & FIGHT THAT DEVIL! Stop living in fear & letting the devil trespass & run you from your property! Equip yourself with the Word of God & GET BACK WHAT’S RIGHTFULLY YOURS! Remember! You are to DEFEND yourself to DEFEAT the devil. Not be defeated by the devil! #Victory is through Jesus Christ, our LORD! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater