Month: June 2018

Daily Devotion for June 8, 2018

If every computer uses a memory to store or pull up information when needed, why don’t you use your memory to reflect on how God moved for you in the past? Some people are so negative that it distorts their view of God, themselves & their desires. Know that satan wants you to store your past hurts & mistakes into your cloud, to hack your mind so you can miss seeing the move of God or what He has done in your life. Stop allowing spiritual viruses to infect your system. Allow God to clean your hard drive (your hard head) of anything unlike Him & delete it into the sea of Forgetfulness. Your life will run smoother if you let God cover your heart & mind! Be blessed #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for June 7, 2018

The closer something (or someone) is to your heart, the more reluctant you may be to give it (or them) over to God. You might think that or can handle it or God might fix the outcome where you won’t like it. Listen! Even in your best strength or knowledge, God knows what’s better for you way beyond you could imagine. Like a father taking a band-aid off of his child’s wound, you may be focused on the quick ripping of the band-aid off your skin, but your Heavenly Father is concerned about your wound to treat & heal it. Allow God to have access to that sensitive area in your life you’ve been scared to expose to Him. He knows how to handle it. #Father Knows Best! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for June 6, 2018

Live the life that your living will be the words people will say for your obituary!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for June 5, 2018

When they reduce you to tears, reduce them out of your life! Some folks won’t love, respect or appreciate you until you’re with someone who will! That’s their loss! Ask God to help you to be aware & accept the true character He is reveling!#If you don’t pay attention to the DO NOT ENTER signs, sooner or later, your heart will pay for it! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for June 4, 2018

You were never meant to face life’s difficulties alone! satan will make you feel isolated, depressed then pressure you to give up. Listen! Giving up on faith, love or life will affect more than you, but everyone who you love & those who loves you. God’s Word tells you that, 1) He will not allow more upon you than you’re able to handle (using His strength, not your’s). Also, He will never leave or abandoned you). As dark as your nights may be, weeping my endure for a night, but joy will come in the morning! God will not only be with you during your trials but he will dispatch earthly helpers to minister to you today! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for June 2, 2018

What you think (or feel) about yourself will give others permission to treat you that same way! Self reflection has an audience of more than you. If you want people to treat you better, as yourself, “What are you showing them?” Ask God to help you to see yourself as He sees you. #Your opinion of yourself is no match to God’s FACTS of yourself! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for June 1, 2018

Imagine you eating something, it goes down the wrong “pipe”, & you cough, cough, cough until you turn red & sweat. Would it help you if someone gave you some cough medicine? No! The coughing & sweating are all outer results caused by an inner problem… YOU’RE CHOKING!! Well, you know that person you have a conflict with or the one with the bad attitude or the one you think is just plain crazy? Well, you’re only looking at their cough. The real problem is… They are CHOKING & needs help (deliverance) of what’s causing them to choke. God may have them in your life to give them a pat on the back or a spiritual Heimlich Maneuver. Remember, they are NOT your real enemy. The real enemy is unseen. We’re not wrestling with flesh, there’s a spirit (satan) at the root of their behavior that’s causing them to act or behave the way they do. Ask God for strength & guidance to help those who are “choking” on the problems of life & give you the wisdom not to choke those who are already choking. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater