Yesterday, my son told me that while he was out, he saw the old place I use to take him as a kid that we called MR BEAR. Mr. Bear was an area that my son & I would walk & talk. When he would get tired of walking, I would carry him in my arms, on my neck or back until we made it to our destination- An artificial bear we named Mr. Bear. When my son saw Mr. Bear, it brought back so many great memories from his childhood that he & I would share that brought a smile to have face as he spoke with me. In life, you have to reflect back on where God brought you from, when He carried you & the conversations that God would share with you. It will help you to remember how loved you are by God & how He wants to build lasting memories with you. Whenever you’re feeling discouraged, alone or afraid, God will carry you safely when you feel weak or tired! Don’t forget your Mr. Bear journey!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater