Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
The word TRANSFORMED is a word that means METAMORPHOSIS which means a PROCESS. Process has NOTHING to do with time, but all to do with your will & what you do in your will (do in your time). Think about it, if you gathered 3 divorced people together, one divorced for 2 years, another 6 years, the last one 27 years, most will think that the 27 year divorcee would be in an emotionally “better place” & the 2 year divorcee be worse. The 2 year divorcee immediately received counseling, forgave, came to terms with reality & was healed, the 6 year divorcee reluctantly got help a year ago after several years of denial & blaming others, but the 27 year divorcee still hates & talks badly about his ex, has trust issues, very bitter & has emotionally distance himself from every (including his family). Now! Who is actually worse? That’s why you can not rely on time. Avoiding the issues of life will not give the help you need. Rely upon our Heavenly Father to collect all the broken pieces in your life & transform you from hurt to healed (complete wholeness). It doesn’t take God long to move, but are you willing to let Him move for you? #The Will to be Restored!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater