No matter how a wolf hides in sheep’s clothing, it can NOT pretend very long. It has to eat what it doesn’t like (sheep food), act how a sheep acts & be out of its environment. In due time, the wolf will become impatient & aggravated because they have to tolerate what does not satisfy them. A true meat eating animal can only eat a plant for only a short amount of time. Eventually, the wolf will leave or die. In life, you may have fell in love with someone because of what they said or took everybody to be your friend. Listen! Just because they’re in the same pasture as you doesn’t mean that they are a sheep like you. Wait on God to send you the mate that you desire & He will reveal the true identity of that animal under the wool! Remember! Don’t feed your heart to that sheep in your surroundings. You may be the meal that fake sheep came out to get. Leave the feeding up to the Good Shepard & you’ll shall not want (you’ll lack nothing if you give it to God). #God will protect you from the wolves if you stay in the care of the Good Shepard! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater