Day: June 1, 2018

Daily Devotion for June 1, 2018

Imagine you eating something, it goes down the wrong “pipe”, & you cough, cough, cough until you turn red & sweat. Would it help you if someone gave you some cough medicine? No! The coughing & sweating are all outer results caused by an inner problem… YOU’RE CHOKING!! Well, you know that person you have a conflict with or the one with the bad attitude or the one you think is just plain crazy? Well, you’re only looking at their cough. The real problem is… They are CHOKING & needs help (deliverance) of what’s causing them to choke. God may have them in your life to give them a pat on the back or a spiritual Heimlich Maneuver. Remember, they are NOT your real enemy. The real enemy is unseen. We’re not wrestling with flesh, there’s a spirit (satan) at the root of their behavior that’s causing them to act or behave the way they do. Ask God for strength & guidance to help those who are “choking” on the problems of life & give you the wisdom not to choke those who are already choking. Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater