Day: May 9, 2018

Night time Devotion for May 9, 2018

I know it seems like it’s too much to handle, don’t give up! You reading this message is confirmation that God cares about you and He’s able to carry you through this! The storm is almost over! You can make it through! You are stronger than you think! You will be victorious! I am cheering for you! #You’re not alone in this! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater

Daily Devotion for May 9, 2018

Don’t give in to the pressure or mind games from others. They want to control you, your thoughts, desires or your will for their benefit, not yours. When people force you, try to make you feel guilty or manipulate you with words (or even using Scriptures), that is WITCHCRAFT! They love to abuse power & control! They may even tell you or make you feel like you’re being paranoid (especially when you’re exposing them). No! It ain’t you that’s going crazy, it’s them! Always check out their motives & you’ll see that your gut feelings was always right. That is God’s way of telling your spirit that something is not right about that person or the situation. Listen! God created you as a free moral agent with your own mind & will! Ask God to guard your mind, heart & teach you to take your stands in who you are in Christ Jesus! He will heal you & give you a testimony! It is not too late to break free! Remember! God won’t force Himself on you, so why would someone else do it? Because they ain’t from God! #God is not the author of confusion or manipulation!
Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater