Day: May 4, 2018

Daily Devotion for May 4, 2018

If they are not marriage or relationship material, then why are you still with them? Each day you continue to be with the wrong one, is a day you’re living WITHOUT the RIGHT one! Being with someone “hoping” they will change or trying to make them change ain’t your responsibility! Now the devil will play with your emotions & tell you that you’re throwing away time & memories, it’s better to deal with familiar mistreatment from who you know instead of being alone, or maybe you deserve to be treated that way… THAT DEVIL IS A LIAR! Allow God to remove the miseducation & heal you from all the mistreatments you dealt with. He will teach you what love really is, show you your worth, how you suppose to be treated & how vaulable you really are. Remember! What people said or how they treated you doesn’t define who you are.. GOD DOES! Don’t waste another moment in an unhealthy uncommitable relationship. God will give you added strength to walk away. He’ll remove that person from your heart. #True love STILL exist! #Wait on God! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater