Day: February 20, 2020

Daily Devotion for February 20, 2020

If the conversations you’re listening to is NOT spiritually edifying you, then it will spiritually starve you. See, what you’ll listen to has a DIRECT ACCESS to your soul (the place of your thoughts, will, emotions & spirit). Your soul trusts you to feed it with Godly nourishment that will help it grow & get closer to God. That’s why satan will “try to” send folks who will talk about gossip, lies, drama or any other foolishness to get your attention to lose focus or make you react out of character. Guard your purpose by guarding your ears from anything that will pull you away from God & your purpose in Him. No longer allow verbal junkfood to get you out of spiritual shape. Remember, what your ears digest will promote or hinder your process. #Watch Who You’re Listening To! Be blessed! #brotherprater
Brother Prater